Death. It is an event less celebrated than perhaps it deserves to be. We people have a plethora of perspectives when it comes to death. Some believe it to be the "end of life" , while others think of it to be the end of the "Mortal Phase" of life. While some believe that emptiness follows death, others believe that the journey of "true life" finds its predecessor in death. There are an infinite beliefs surrounding it.
However, in their most basic form, they ( the beliefs ) can be subdivided into two generalizations.
In order to avoid further complications of the matter and to sum any such further perspectives, I have prepared 2 graphs which, according to me, denote the above mentioned generalizations.
In the graphs below, the X-axis represents time, while the Y-axis represents various aspects of life such as Quality, "The Journey", and so on.... The origin (0) represents birth.

I now return to the root of why I was dwelling upon the uncelebrated event. In many cultures, Death is supposed to be the event wherein a man meets his Creator. It is oft believed to be the "time of ultimate judgement" when a man's merits are weighed against his sins.
When I asked myself who God was, the answer I received was unclear. However, over time, it has become apparent that the question to be asked was not 'Who is God?' but rather 'Is God a who or a what?'. To find this answer, each individual must look within himself and follow what his or her heart tells them. However, the ultimate question is this-" Did God create us or did we create God?"
From ancient times, man has looked for a higher power to absolve him of his problems. When the power was realized, the search for its personified form began....and it continues till date.
However, in their most basic form, they ( the beliefs ) can be subdivided into two generalizations.
In order to avoid further complications of the matter and to sum any such further perspectives, I have prepared 2 graphs which, according to me, denote the above mentioned generalizations.
In the graphs below, the X-axis represents time, while the Y-axis represents various aspects of life such as Quality, "The Journey", and so on.... The origin (0) represents birth.
I now return to the root of why I was dwelling upon the uncelebrated event. In many cultures, Death is supposed to be the event wherein a man meets his Creator. It is oft believed to be the "time of ultimate judgement" when a man's merits are weighed against his sins.
When I asked myself who God was, the answer I received was unclear. However, over time, it has become apparent that the question to be asked was not 'Who is God?' but rather 'Is God a who or a what?'. To find this answer, each individual must look within himself and follow what his or her heart tells them. However, the ultimate question is this-" Did God create us or did we create God?"
From ancient times, man has looked for a higher power to absolve him of his problems. When the power was realized, the search for its personified form began....and it continues till date.