Thursday, 15 August 2013

A stitch in time saves Nine

Proverbs have a deep meaning and if we analyze them ,we can decipher their meaning . This proverb literally means that a small tear in a cloth or garment can be corrected or remedied if attended to in time . But if ignored this small tear may widen leading to more work or the garment may have to be discarded.
"A Stitch in Times Saves Nine" is a well known proverb.  It means that evil should be nipped in the bud, and thus much future trouble would be avoided. A cloth which is torn must be stitched at once for otherwise the torn portion would increase in size and many more stitches would be required. Similarly, in every walk of life things must be set right in the very beginning in order to avoid much future trouble and expenditure. Sometime, if the evil is not put down in the very beginning, it may become unmanageable and may not be remedied at all. Hence we may say that the proverb "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" has much truth and wisdom in it.

In this manner, this proverb warns us against neglecting small faults or imperfections which may lead to big troubles . Time waits for no one , so we should never put off till tomorrow something which can be done today . Opportunity knocks on our door but once and if we fail to open the door in time we will lose out on success .